
Boston Communities Join Inspirational Event with London Mechanech

Boston Communities Join Inspirational Event with London Mechanech

Over 200 men and women from 28 Chabad centers gathered at Beth Menachem Chabad of Newton, MA, for a Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen with Rabbi Shmuel Lew of London as guest speaker. The formal event was followed by a farbrengen with the shluchim and anash.

More than 200 men and women gathered on Wednesday evening for a Gimmel Tammuz Farbrengen attended by Rabbi Shmuel Lew of London as a guest speaker. The event was organized by 28 Chabad centers from throughout Greater Boston and Central Mass. and was held at Beth Menachem Chabad of Newton.

The night began with the rabbi Moshe Bleich welcoming the large crowd and introducing the Rabbi Chaim Pruswho led the Rebbe’s recitation of the kapitel and Tehillim for Eretz Yisrael. After this, a video of the Rebbe was shown, capturing the rapt attention of the audience.

Rabbi Lew captivated the audience with a talk on the importance of having a Rebbe and how a person’s connection with the Rebbe can increase their understanding of themselves. Through many personal stories and interactions with the Rebbe, Rabbi Lew emphasized that learning Torah from the Rebbe is the key to truly connecting with him.

Rabbi Mendy Krinsky concluded the evening by inviting everyone to join in a chassidishe farbrengen. During the farbrengen, Rabbi Lew spoke about passing on the connection to the Rebbe to our children and shared experiences from his yechidut before leaving on shlichus and his first trip to Russia in the early 1980s.

Food and drinks were provided by Chani’s Deli of Worcester.