
Kafka-inspired horror comedy CORPSE FLOWER to screen at Edinburgh Fringe

Kafka-inspired horror comedy CORPSE FLOWER to screen at Edinburgh Fringe

Following previews in London earlier this summer, Threepenny Collective are thrilled to be bringing ‘Corpse Flower’ to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival this year!

The show follows the story of Millie, a young woman seeking a better life away from the squalid, industrial city she lives in, which offers nothing but fear and pain. One night, while Millie is working the night shift at the pesticide factory, the city is invaded by giant imposter insects, with catastrophic results.

The thrilling and ambitious show is a tragicomedy that explores themes of social decay and personal redemption, drawing on theatrical elements of mystery and shadow. Corpse Flower offers a darkly comic and stylized world inspired by expressionist cinema and Kafkaesque nightmares, and will captivate audiences with its curiously twisted allure.

‘Corpse Flower’ is a dark and twisted tale that won’t soon be forgotten! Playing at C Venues Aquila, 31st July, 1st-11th August, 13th-25th. Tickets are available from the Edinburgh Festival Fringe website, in person at the EdFringe Box Office and Shop or by calling +44 (0)131 226 0000.

Making their debut at the Edinburgh Festival Fringe, Threepenny Collective is a new London-based theatre and film production company. Founded by Ilya Wray, Michal Vojtech and Ariel de la Garza Davidoff, the company is bringing three shows to the Fringe this year at C Venues Aquila: ‘Jukesox’, an improvised sketch show filled with kaleidoscopic absurdity and Depressed-Dead-Beat Dinos; Georgie Wedge’s ‘Per-Verse’, which explores dating in the modern world; and ‘Corpse Flower’, a Kafkaesque horror comedy.


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